

Plan B – 1962 Chevy SS Impala

December 14, 2019

This Impala is proof that dreams do come true. Christopher Huff of League City, Texas, has always wanted to own an Impala. “I’ve been into lowriders since I was in Read More...

Just Another 64 – 1964 Chevy SS Impala

July 25, 2015

The 1964 Chevy Impala SS is probably the most recognizable of all lowriders. Heavy in production at the time due to its sleek style and popularity. This popularity allows for heavy competition in this block of 1961-1964 Impalas. The standard is tremendously high. Thus, is why when StreetSeen Magazine stumbled upon David Julian's 64 SS, it definitely caused some intrigue. Read More...
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